- The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.
- The patient has the right to be given information concerning his/her health care by his/her physician.The patient has the right for the information to be given to another appropriate person acting on his/her behalf.
- The patient has the fundamental right to the physical security and integrity of his/her body and that his right shall remain inviolate.
- The patient has the right to give, withhold or withdraw his/her consent to do special procedures or treatments. In emergency situations (life threatening or possibility of permanent loss of limbs, eyesight, or other critical functions) the physician may not be able to provide extensive information to the patient because of precious time which could be dangerous for the patient.
- The patient has the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law – but if he or she does, he or she must be informed of the risks he or she is taking by doing so. Examples of this might be patients requesting early (premature) discharge from the hospital, or an early transfer to another hospital or nursing home.
- The patient has the right to privacy and dignity concerning his/her own illness. Case discussion, examination and treatment shall be conducted in confidence. Medical and other health professional students will always be introduced to the patient as such. The patient has the right to refuse permission for their presence if they are not directly in his/her care.
- The patient has the right to know that all the records and other information about his/her care will be kept confidential.
- The patient has the right for the following services when he/she requests care which will be provided to him/her to the extent the facility and its resources are able:
- Evaluation (diagnosis and general health condition of the patient).
- Service – treatment of procedures to prevent, control, or cure illness.
- Referral – providing additional physicians or other appropriate individuals to provide care which may be required and is not available for the individual seeing the patient at the time.
- The patient has the right to expect that his/her physician or other appropriate person(s) will secure reports of his/her care and progress while he or she is receiving care in a referral center.
- The patient has the right to grant or to refuse permission to be transferred to another hospital where he or she can receive care not available at the one he or she is in and has the right to be advised of the alternatives to such a transfer.